“Breathing Freely Without A Care. Now You’ve Entered The Genius Lair.”
William Martino

Each Program Is Customized According To Individual Needs

1 Private Immersion Session or package of teaching videos for download

A private 2 hr. immersion session with William; including follow up.

If it does not work you don’t pay.

Lunch and Learn

Live 30 minute Lunch and Learn.  To refresh your workplace.

The 7 Sessions

7 Sessions live online to explore ‘The Masters Skill’ for Enlightened Wellness

GUARANTEED RESULTS in your private immersion sessoin OR YOU DO NOT PAY.
Finanical assistance is available. Note - Limited availability to book with William.

No matter what your circumstance is just break free and get the help you need to succeed. Do you have any significant unresolved issues that are holding you back?  Independent of circumstance  make a break for it.

Cultivate measurable changes in your biochemistry.

Without commentary, just for now; be receptive to the movie reel of your life.  Learn The Masters Skill. Notice the Olympian or anyone great at anything. Just before action they pause and center themselves. In a flash they tap the wellspring of life.  Anyone great at anything does this same practice.  

Feeling better you will do better. It is not the other way around as you were taught. life is primarily an inner matter.  Then, of course, what you do is vital.  But, take notice, only one can be primary.  Note:  There are no external solutions to personal problems.  Personal coherence is the luck factor in life.   Create centering independent of expeirence and watch your life morph from the inside/out. If your initial private session does not work for you then you don’t pay.  Scholarships available for those who need financial assistance.

                                          “THERE ARE NO EXTERNAL SOLUTIONS TO PERSONAL PROBLEMS.”

William Martino

What It All About?

Relieve stress and energize your core

The ability to ‘center’ is your ultimate personal resource multiplying your own resourcefulness. To assist you in your ability to remain balanced, focused and proactive you will also receive expert stress management tips and techniques, conflict management, mindfulness techniques and interpersonal skills


“In just 8 weeks of meditation the grey matter of the brain imporves“

Nobel prize winner-Dr. Eric Kandel

“In just 8 weeks of meditation the grey matter of the brain imporves“

What It All About?

Relieve stress and energize your core

The ability to ‘center’ is your ultimate personal resource multiplying your own resourcefulness. To assist you in your ability to remain balanced, focused and proactive you will also receive expert stress management tips and techniques, conflict management, mindfulness techniques and interpersonal skills


“In just 8 weeks of meditation the grey matter of the brain imporves“

Nobel prize winner-Dr. Eric Kandel

“In just 8 weeks of meditation the grey matter of the brain imporves“

Neuroscience Clips

Emotional Wellness

All universities agree EQ is more important than IQ for creating overal success in life.What particular emotions do you struggle with and which kinds do you need more of? Note- “90% of what moves people up the ladder when IQ and technical skills are similar is emotional intelligence.” Harvard Business ReviewLearn practicle methods that you can apply in real time to remain emotionally cognizant of whats going on and not get emotionally hijacked.

“IQ accounts for only 20% of your success in life. The other 80% is determined by your emotional intelligence and social intelligence.” Linkedin

The Energizer

Receive the one simple technique to refresh yourself on a moments notice. This is the masters skill. Anybody great at anything does this just before action.

Note: Your heart produces a 40 foot field of electromagnetism. The most advanced way in medical science to look at the health of your heart is called the magneto-cardio graph. They actually analyze this magnetic field produced by your own heart.  Each cell in your body is a little maget with a north and south pole of electromagnetism.  Informational magnetistm passes acrocc the skin of each cell.  You are literally an electric body. 

Hold On - Give it a Chance

Receive 21 free audio shorts, 3 free books and 3 free audio books.