The Real Experts

Would you agree that there are people of extraordinary intelligence?  If so, then what about a Jesus, Buddha type; a Taoist Sage, A Zen priest, etc. A real wise person from any tradition is worthy of our respect.  These are the facets of the diamond of Life/God/Tao/There are no words in any book as powerful as these.   Nor, is there any presence on earth with as much ‘star power’ as people who represent such enlightened masters.   Do you believe that meeting such a person could be what you are waiting for?  Are such people real?  99% are not but you know they exist.    Meet the real ones.  If you have a tradition and want to stay with that you will be able to concentrate on the true sages and saints of your ‘Way.’  

  Harvard says that the people who have the most control over their brains are advanced Tibetan masters; not geniuses, not billionaires, not athletes.   Learn real:  Stress managment, mindfullness meditation, focusing technqiues, emotional hygiene, effectivce communication, conflict revolution etc; these are the subjects for making a better you.  This is the quickest and surest way to  meausrably influence your life.

The singular key is  Emotional Wellness.   According to rock solid science and all university studies Emotional Wellness is the key factor determining success in life not IQ.  2.   Learn to meditate with bilogically mesaurable results.

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