Inner and Outer Results

Why is it that all of the enlightenment pathways talk about an incredible contentment, satisfaction and happiness that comes along with spiritual maturity. The texts and ‘masters’ clearly share with us that the good vibe is the power that changes lives and creates the ordinary ‘miracle’ of a life transformed. it is not some silly or entrapping emotion. Rather genuine loving feeling is great power. Think of when you feel supported, given grace and guided. That’s like being loved right? Feeeeeel it now.


The Real You

Have you ever felt a change in atmosphere during some exhilarating moment. The very air within and around our bodies has a different feel to it.

Interestingly, the origin of the word Spirit is air and breath. We hear reports of Yogis and all sorts of masters experiencing inner winds, waters, oils and fires. Have you ever felt an inner healing feeling that has the sense of warmth and magnetism to it? Let’s take a moment to initiate the feeling of a good presence right now as you read this article. Willingness is the only necessity.

Is there a change of atmosphere in your space that you feel within and around your body? Even in the least degree? Can you feel the right vibe coming through?

What If

If not the person on the phone or in our meetings then where and when? It is practice in ordinary moments that gives us the skill to do our jobs better and better and better. Support is natural when you get in the right state of mind and here, through this program you are given the tools you need to build your inner quality of feeling from the inside/out.Being pioneers in our daily lives simply means to apply ourselves to the task at hand and do it well. Just this alone makes us a team player. We mustn’t be depressed nor self isolated. Smell the air; let the sun, sky and universe in. We all walk together as one great soul discovering itself. Once we are simply overflowing with good energy we naturally want to share and it’s in the simple things that such great energy is best invested.Servant hood is the crown of human achievement and through these simple steps you can find the way and means to have more than enough energy to not only get the job done but to make progress as well.We mustn’t wait for something mystical to happen to have more faith, rather, have more faith first.

Right Now

Wellness in no way leads to flightiness, escapism nor grandiosity. Rather, it’s with this kind of beautiful ‘vibe’ that people are remade and charged with the breath of the Divine. Do you want to be re-made? Would you like a new lease on life? Do you need an energy infusion? All these blessings continually flow from Wellness. Union herein deposits the power to make changes happen. Great and positive actions naturally flow from such an empowered person. If you release the ‘outer’ and refine the ‘inner’ then the ‘outer’ will be able to accomplish what you seek. We must not compulsively search for external solutions to internal problems. The way this happens is first for a flash of time. We experience a moment of focus and learn more about ourselves and the effective means necessary to meet the need present in the moment. Our practice is to extend these flashes into moments and moments into minutes and minutes into hours in intensive situations.

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