The invitation is for you and I to recognize that life is present for us here in this moment. No waiting for some other moment. Now is the best time there is to accept a more full measure of relaxation and trust. These qualities in and of themselves go a long way for producing personal health and success. In the same way a nice talk or touch is given we simply feel better.
Do you want to make great strides in your life? Let go, let go of me, you, him, her, they, that, this for a sec here-Take a breather. Learn who you are first through infusing your simple daily life with the newfound invigoration.
Have you ever strolled through a scene in nature so beautiful that your senses are filled to overflowing? The whole body lavishly enjoys natures nourishment. Enraptured in nature’s bounty, a moment of transcendence occurs effortlessly, gently. It’s this kind of experience that is reflected in our enlightenment traditions. What is the purpose of spirituality? Isn’t it to improve ourselves and others?
We each have difficulties and hang-ups that might not be so easily understood by the other. In spirituality there is the common theme belief that ‘nothings to hard to deal with.’ So, where do we start on the path of personal transformation-the common sense spiritual way?
Is it realistic for us to think that we can process all negativism and experience tremendous personal re-creation?