What If

If not the person on the phone or in our meetings then where and when? It is practice in ordinary moments that gives us the skill to do our jobs better and better and better. Support is natural when you get in the right state of mind and here, through this program you are given the tools you need to build your inner quality of feeling from the inside/out.Being pioneers in our daily lives simply means to apply ourselves to the task at hand and do it well. Just this alone makes us a team player. We mustn’t be depressed nor self isolated. Smell the air; let the sun, sky and universe in. We all walk together as one great soul discovering itself. Once we are simply overflowing with good energy we naturally want to share and it’s in the simple things that such great energy is best invested.Servant hood is the crown of human achievement and through these simple steps you can find the way and means to have more than enough energy to not only get the job done but to make progress as well.We mustn’t wait for something mystical to happen to have more faith, rather, have more faith first.


Transforming Emotion

We each have the ability to transform apparent curses into blessings; negatives to positives. Are their limits to this action of self inquiring transformation? No, I’ve never heard of a limitation as to how much love we can discover within our very own selves and how powerfully this love can affect us. Actually, the masters of life advise us that our potential is literally unlimited.

 Can we really accept the statement that we are the stuff of stars?  That's science you know.  The admonition to the child is you can be anything you want to. Do you and I still have this creative potential? 

 Our negative's can become positives. It’s just the disciplined

progression of personal metamorphosis that can be a bit tricky. We are asked to get concentrated and on track right now. We do not always want to give up our nervousness; to let go and trust beyond what we can see. The funny thing is enlightened consciousness remains in us no matter what our choices. Unbounded love and power exists in us, forever, and we are sovereign in our ability to perceive it. In each mind, every emotion and body there is the pure energy that animates all life. It is this core thread of creation that emanates the impulse of life itself. One moment of this recognition is enough to heal a life completely. The sun and rain touch the lives of every person good or bad. In the same way our common inner Source is ever present willing to touch our lives if we allow. How about right now, right here?

The Butterfly Effect

Tiny influences can have giant effects on complex systems.”

Edward Lorenz (E.L.) is a world renown scientist who “profoundly influenced a wide range of sciences and brought about one of the most dramatic changes in humankind’s view of nature since Sir Isaac Newton,” K.P.

This person discovered that that a tiny initial change like a butterfly flapping its wings in one place can have extraordinary influence on the weather pattern on the other side of the world. That is a super small influence creating a vast transformation of circumstance. And, that is what we want to learn how to do. The same is true for the leverage we can create to change our lives for the better with little ‘moments that ripple.’ What kind of a moment would do that for you and your life now? What could you do today to really feel better on many levels? Take some time now and think about that.

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